Asia  |
The people of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia simply love the durian fruit, which looks a little like a cross between a pineapple and a porcupine. However, many local authorities have completely banned the consumption of this delicacy from buses, subways, hotels and airports. Is this yet another outrageous infringement of civil liberties? Well, since the durian is said to smell like a mixture of "pig-droppings, turpentine and onions", maybe not, on this occasion.
Bangladesh  |
It is against the law to view movies containing simulated lovemaking or the pubic area of men and women. The law also does not allow kisses to be shown in any film that includes actors from this country.

Bolivia  |
Santa Cruz: It is illegal for a man to have sex with a mother and her daughter at the same time.

Canada  |
Saskatchewan: At least has the rights of the drinker at its civic heart - it is against the law to drink water in beer parlours there.

China  |
Many years ago in Tibet, the law required all women prostitute themselves. This was seen as a way to gain sexual experience prior to marriage.
| Women are prohibited from walking around a hotel room in the nude. A woman may be naked only while in the bathroom.
| The T'ang Dynasty Empress Wu Hu passed a special law concerning oral sex. She felt that a woman pleasuring a man represented the supremacy of the male over the female. Therefore, she insisted all visiting male dignitaries show their respect by pleasuring her orally when meeting. The empress would throw open her robe and her guest would kneel before her and kiss her genitals.
| Hong Kong: A betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so with her bare hands. The husband's lover may be killed in any manner desired.

Colombia  |
It's "an excusable act of passion" for a man to murder his wayward wife when he finds the woman in bed with her lover. If the husband "personally witnesses the corrupt sexual activity," he's allowed to shoot his unfaithful spouse. Such adultery-related homicides aren't even prosecuted.
| Cali: On her wedding night, the bride's mother is required by law to be in the room to witness the act of sex.

Czech Republic  |
If you're in Prague and your taxi driver ups the meter setting beyond the standard rate of 'level 1', watch out. If he turns it up to 'level 2' he might just be ripping you off - par for the tourist course. But if he cranks it up all the way to 'level 3' then it's time to panic. This is the official Government-sanctioned rate that must be used for all taxi rides following a nuclear explosion.

Denmark  |
You legally have to check under your car for children who may be sleeping there before you start the engine. But don't panic too much if you forget and get thrown in jail for running over some catnapping kids - in Denmark it is not against the law to escape from prison.
| When dining at a restaurant in Denmark, you don't have to pay for your food unless, by your own opinion, you are 'full' at the end of your meal. A wafer-thin mint, sir?

Egypt  |
Six thousand years ago, Egyptians would completely castrate a male convicted of rape.
| In ancient times, a women found guilty of adultery would find herself without a nose, the thinking being that without a nose, it would be harder to find someone to share in her adulterous ways.

France  |
An 18th century French prostitute could be spared punishment if she were willing to join the opera.

Germany  |
The Teutons, an Germanic tribe, would punish anyone caught as a prostitute by suffocating them in excrement.

Great Britain  |
If you ever suffer at the rubber-gloved hands of a suspicious and painfully overzealous British customs officer, don't be tempted to take him or her to court - no matter how innocent you are. Section 268 of the Customs Laws Consolidation Act 1876 rules that no action can be brought against such an official without one month's notice. While Section 272 of the same Act insists that any action must be started within one month of the incident.
| You're a British citizen, you pay upwards of £77.50 for your passport, it has a valid picture of you in it - so it's yours, right? Well, maybe. According to the text on the leaflet it belongs to Her Majesty's Government. But in 1955, Earl Jowitt, a former solicitor-general and attorney-general, pointed out that 'the Government' couldn't own anything because there is no such legal entity. No one since has been able to clarify the matter. So who gets the £77.50?
| According to the brilliantly named 'The Outer Space Act 1986', the Secretary of State is permitted to use 'reasonable force' to prevent an alien invasion of the UK - as long as the aliens don't possess a licence to invade. In which case, they can operate their 'space objects' in perfect legality. This is the sort of law that truly made Britain great.
| Birmingham: It is illegal for a man and woman to have sex on the steps of any church after the sun goes down.
| Liverpool: Women can sell items and be topless in public, but only in tropical fish stores.
| London: It is illegal to have sex on a parked motorcycle.

Greece  |
Ancient Greek men's punishment for adultery was having their pubic hair was removed and a large radish was shoved up their rectum.

Guam  |
Under the law in Guam, it is forbidden for virgins to marry.
| There are men in Guam whose full-time job it is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time.

Guyana  |
Georgetown: Getting caught while bathing in the nude is punishable with a coat of fresh paint. The bathers are then taken to the outskirts of Georgetown and left to fend for themselves. The law is even tougher in its effort to discourage people from having sex while skinny-dipping. The lovers are first given a coat of paint, then both parties "will be attached to an ass and taken on a tour of the village." Finally, they'll be dropped at the edge of town and told in no uncertain terms to not bother coming back.

Indonesia  |
The penalty for masturbation is decapitation.

Iran  |
According to Iranian law, a man is required to perform his abutions if he ejaculates while having sex relations with an animal.

Israel  |
The ancient Israelite punishment for adultery was stoning.

Italy  |
Rome: The vow of a Roman vestal virgin lasted 30 years. If she engaged in sex before then, she was punished by being buried alive.
| Rome: The Romans would crush a first-time rapist's gonads between two stones.
| Pompeii: A special law was directed at prostitutes. They had to dye their hair either blue, red or yellow in order to be able to work.

Japan  |
You are forbidden to be fat in Japan. Although their country already has one of the world's lowest obesity rates (less than 5 per cent, in contrast to the USA's 35 per cent), that didn't stop Japanese lawmakers from setting a maximum waistline size in 2009. Every man aged 40 and over must not have a waist measuring 80cm or above, every woman, 90cm or above. And this from the land that brought us sumo wrestling.

Kenya  |
If you're on a safari in Kenya and your guide suddenly removes all of his clothes before wandering off towards the wildlife, do resist the temptation to do the same. While it's completely legal for Kenyan citizens to streak across the Masai Mara, it is illegal for foreigners to do so. It's also deeply inadvisable for at least 147 other reasons.

Lebanon  |
Men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is expressly forbidden.

Macao  |
It is against the law to view movies containing simulated lovemaking or the pubic area of men and women. The law also does not allow kisses to be shown in any film that includes actors from this country.

Nepal  |
It is against the law to view movies containing simulated lovemaking or the pubic area of men and women. The law also does not allow kisses to be shown in any film that includes actors from this country.

Norway  |
If you fancy a spot of eternal life, forget the Holy Grail: just go and live in the remote Arctic town of Longyearbyen, where dying is against the law. Actually, this is because it was found that bodies didn't decompose in the permafrost. The graveyard stopped accepting newcomers 70 years ago; so if you fall gravely ill there now, you will be hastily dispatched by plane to the mainland, where you can end your days without getting arrested.

Peru  |
The use of chili sauce and similar hot spices on jail and prison food is outlawed. An edict was handed down by the Interior Minister because these items were claimed to have aphrodisiac qualities and would arouse sexual desires.
| A person who has engaged in the act is first dragged through the streets on a rope. Hanging comes next. Finally, the corpse is burned while fully clothed.

Poland  |
Krakow: Three time offenders found guilty of having sex with an animal are shot.

Singapore  |
Ever thought that chewing gum could land you in jail? Well, in Singapore, it has been completely illegal since 1992. The only exception is nicotine gum, but even then smokers can only get it from a pharmacy with a prescription. Chewing gum is legal in New York, of course, but cinema owners there must chisel all gum off the undersides of their auditorium seats every month. Makes trodden-in popcorn seem positively pleasant.

Spain  |
In 17th century Spain, it was illegal for anyone other than a woman's husband to see her bare feet. A woman could freely expose her breasts, but feet were considered sexual and had to be covered in the presence of men other than her husband.

St. Lucia  |
If you're one of those spirited sorts who relaxes by re-enacting battles, you might want to think twice about taking a Caribbean holiday - it's against the law to wear camouflage clothing in Trinidad and Tobago and St. Lucia. Apparently this is to prevent people from imitating military and other officials, and you could be detained and have your kit confiscated. That is, of course, if they can find you.

Switzerland  |
You must plan your movements very carefully in Switzerland. Flushing the toilet after 10pm in an apartment building is illegal there. The Government curiously considered noise pollution to be more anti-social than olfactory pollution. Not sure we agree with them on that one. Anyway, whether you relieve yourself and leave the flat humming, or you just wait until morning, the choice is completely yours.

Thailand  |
Thailand may tolerate many exotic sexual shenanigans, but it is still illegal to leave your house there if you are not wearing underwear. And you can't drive your car if you're not wearing a shirt, not matter what's going on in your trousers. Nor should you step on any of the nation's currency. And don't even think of insulting the king - you could get 15 years in jail.
| Bangkok: Any man who "forcibly subdues and has sexual intercourse" with a female dog is merely charged with Cruelty to animals. The culprit is fined a small amount of money. If the female dog happens to be in heat, the fine is slightly higher.

Trinidad & Tobago  |
If you're one of those spirited sorts who relaxes by re-enacting battles, you might want to think twice about taking a Caribbean holiday - it's against the law to wear camouflage clothing in Trinidad and Tobago and St Lucia. Apparently this is to prevent people from imitating military and other officials, and you could be detained and have your kit confiscated. That is, of course, if they can find you.

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