Parking - You're doing it wrong. |
Hello. You park like a jerk. Please stop. |
Nice parking Moron! I hope the rest of us didn't annoy you by following the rules. |
Hey! You suck at parking dislike. Learn how to park. Idiot! People like you should take the bus. |
Wow! Awesome parking job! Fantastic! I've never seean such great parking. You deserve an award. |
Hey! You suck at parking seriously. Learn to park. Asshole. If I see you do this again, I will key your shit. |
Dear Moron, I thought you should know you suck at parking. Seriously. Remember this the next time you enter a parking lot. |
Many three year olds have trouble staying within the lines. Maybe if you practice coloring of an image, it will help with your parking. |
Just wanted you to know, how bad you suck at parking. Thanks for: Parking too close - leaving no room to get in my car. Parking crooked - making it impossible to get out. Taking up 2 spaces when you could have taken 1. Parking in an idiotic spot and blocking my exit. Being a dipshit in general. All of this. |
Hey Stranger, Because you were parked in my spot last night (and still are??), I got a ticket for street parking overnight without a permit. I'm broke. This are privately owned spot, and I could have you ticket and towed. I won't, but please park no longer in my spot again.
First I would like to apologize for parking in you spot. It was irresponsible on my part and I would like to give this 100 Dollar to pay for the ticket and whatever else you need. I can be tough around this time of year. Merry Christmas - The asshole who parked in your spot!