Spain Style

Egypt  |
 | Egypt - Alexandria  |
 | Egypt - Giza  |
 | Egypt - Cairo  |
 | Egypt - Red Sea  |
 | Egypt - Suez  |
 | Aland  |
 | Algeria  |
 | Andorra  |
 | Andorra - La Vella  |
 | Angola  |
 | Angola - Cabinda  |
 | Equatorial Guinea  |
 | United Arab Emirates  |
 | Argentina  |
 | Argentina - Salta  |
 | Argentina - Tierra del Fuego  |
 | Armenia  |
 | Armenia - Yerevan  |
 | Armenia - Vagharshapat  |
 | Aruba  |
 | Azerbaijan  |
 | Ethiopia  |
 | Australia  |
 | Australia - Hawkesbury  |
 | Australia - Tasmania  |
 | Bahamas  |
 | Bahrain  |
 | Bangladesh  |
 | Barbados  |
 | Belgium  |
 | Belize  |
 | Benin  |
 | Bhutan  |
 | Bolivia  |
 | Bosnia Herzegovina  |
 | Botswana  |
 | Brazil  |
 | Brazil - Espirito Santo  |
 | Brazil - Mato Grosso  |
 | Brazil - Pernambuco  |
 | Brazil - Santa Catarina  |
 | Brazil - Tocantins  |
 | Brunei  |
 | Bulgaria  |
 | Burkina Faso  |
 | Burundi  |
 | Chile  |
 | Chile - Santiago  |
 | China  |
 | Costa Rica  |
 | Costa Rica - Santa Ana  |
 | Curacao  |
 | Denmark  |
 | Democratic Republic of Congo  |
 | German Democratic Republic  |
 | Germany  |
 | Germany - Bavaria  |
 | Germany - Saxony  |
 | Germany - Weimar  |
 | Germany - Worms  |
 | Dominica  |
 | Dominican Republik  |
 | Djibouti  |
 | Ecuador  |
 | El Salvador  |
 | Ivory Coast  |
 | England  |
 | England - Cornwall  |
 | England - Scilly Islands  |
 | Eritrea  |
 | Estonia  |
 | Estonia - Kambja Parish  |
 | Faroe Islands  |
 | Fiji  |
 | Finland  |
 | France  |
 | France - Brittany  |
 | France - Corsica  |
 | French Polynesia  |
 | Gabon  |
 | Gambia  |
 | Georgia  |
 | Georgia - Abkhazia  |
 | Ghana  |
 | Gibraltar  |
 | Grenada  |
 | Greece  |
 | Greenland  |
 | Great Britain  |
 | Great Britain - Isle of Man  |
 | Guadeloupe  |
 | Guatemala  |
 | Guinea  |
 | Guinea Bissau  |
 | Guyana  |
 | Haiti  |
 | Honduras  |
 | Hongkong  |
 | India  |
 | Indonesia  |
 | Iraq  |
 | Iran  |
 | Iceland  |
 | Israel  |
 | Italy  |
 | Italy - Aosta  |
 | Italy - Apulia  |
 | Italy - Lazio  |
 | Italy - Monza  |
 | Italy - Palermo  |
 | Italy - Sardinia  |
 | Italy - Sicily  |
 | Italy - Trentino  |
 | Jamaica  |
 | Japan  |
 | Yemen  |
 | Jordan  |
 | Yugoslavia  |
 | Cambodia  |
 | Cameroon  |
 | Canada  |
 | Canada - Newfoundland  |
 | Canada - Northwest Territories  |
 | Canada - St. Catharines  |
 | Canada - Yukon  |
 | Cape Verde  |
 | Kazakhstan  |
 | Kazakhstan - Jalalabad  |
 | Qatar  |
 | Kenya  |
 | Kyrgyzstan  |
 | Kiribati  |
 | Colombia  |
 | Colombia - Armenia  |
 | Colombia - Cartago  |
 | Colombia - La Tebaida  |
 | Colombia - Valle del Cauca  |
 | Kongo  |
 | Kosovo  |
 | Croatia  |
 | Cuba  |
 | Kurdistan  |
 | Kuwait  |
 | Laos  |
 | Lesotho  |
 | Latvia  |
 | Lebanon  |
 | Liberia  |
 | Libya  |
 | Liechtenstein  |
 | Lithuania  |
 | Luxembourg  |
 | Macau  |
 | Madagascar  |
 | Malawi  |
 | Malaysia  |
 | Maldives  |
 | Mali  |
 | Malta  |
 | Mariana Islands  |
 | Morocco  |
 | Marshall Islands  |
 | Mauritania  |
 | Macedonia  |
 | Mexico  |
 | Mexico - Mexico City  |
 | Micronesia  |
 | Moldova  |
 | Monaco  |
 | Mongolia  |
 | Montenegro  |
 | Mozambique  |
 | Myanmar  |
 | Namibia  |
 | Nauru  |
 | Nepal  |
 | New Zealand  |
 | Nicaragua  |
 | Netherlands  |
 | Niger  |
 | Nigeria  |
 | Niue  |
 | North Ireland  |
 | North Korea  |
 | North Cyprus  |
 | Norway  |
 | Oman  |
 | Austria  |
 | East Timor  |
 | Pakistan  |
 | Palau  |
 | Panama  |
 | Papua New Guinea  |
 | Paraguay  |
 | Peru  |
 | Philippines  |
 | Poland  |
 | Portugal  |
 | Rwanda  |
 | Romania  |
 | Solomon Islands  |
 | Zambia  |
 | Samoa  |
 | San Marino  |
 | Zanzibar  |
 | Sao Tome & Principe  |
 | Saudi Arabia  |
 | Sweden  |
 | Scotland  |
 | Switzerland  |
 | Senegal  |
 | Serbia  |
 | Seychelles  |
 | Sierra Leone  |
 | Sinbabwe  |
 | Singapore  |
 | Slovakia  |
 | Slovenia  |
 | Somalia  |
 | Sri Lanka  |
 | St. Kitts & Nevis  |
 | St. Lucia  |
 | St. Vincent  |
 | Sudan  |
 | South Africa  |
 | South Africa - Transkei  |
 | South Korea  |
 | Suriname  |
 | Swaziland  |
 | Syria  |
 | Tajikistan  |
 | Taiwan  |
 | Tanzania  |
 | Thailand  |
 | Thailand - Bangkok  |
 | Thailand - Mae Hong Son  |
 | Togo  |
 | Tonga  |
 | Trinidad & Tobago  |
 | Chad  |
 | Czech Republic  |
 | Tunisia  |
 | Turkey  |
 | Turkmenistan  |
 | Uganda  |
 | Ukraine  |
 | Hungary  |
 | Hungary - Budapest  |
 | Uruguay  |
 | Uzbekistan  |
 | Vanuatu  |
 | Vatikan  |
 | Veezuela  |
 | United States  |
 | United States - Alabama  |
 | United States - Chicago  |
 | United States - Dallas  |
 | United States - Florida  |
 | United States - Los Angeles  |
 | United States - Molossia  |
 | United States - New Mexico  |
 | United States - New Mexico  |
 | United States - New York  |
 | United States - Pocatello  |
 | United States - Salt Lake City  |
 | United States - Texas  |
 | Vietnam  |
 | Vietnam - South Vietnam  |
 | Wales  |
 | Belarus  |
 | Zaire  |
 | Central America  |
 | Cyprus  |

Spain Regions-Style

Alicante  |
 | Balearic Islands  |
 | Basque region  |
 | Caceras  |
 | Ceutu  |
 | Cordoba  |
 | Cuenca  |
 | El Hierro  |
 | Extremadura  |
 | Grenada  |
 | Canarias  |
 | Castile and León  |
 | Katalonien  |
 | Malaga  |
 | Melilla  |
 | Palencia  |
 | Sevilla  |
 | Soria  |

Spain Galicia-Style

Angola  |
 | Brazil  |
 | Guinea Bissau  |
 | Cabo Verde  |
 | Macau  |
 | Mozambique  |
 | East Timor  |
 | Portugal  |
 | Sao Tome & Principe  |
 | Source: + + |
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